Local Pickup is one of the Special Delivery services we offer when your order is placed too close to the event or when the seller doesn't expect to receive the tickets from the venue with enough time to ship them. 

These tickets will be available at the venue or at a nearby location on the day of the event. The pickup location you will be directed to depends on factors such as if the seller has an office near the venue, if they have to pick up the tickets from the venue directly before distributing them to their customers, or if they have reserved space at a designed location such as a restaurant in close proximity to the event.

No need to worry, we'll send you all the information you need in an email prior to the event so you can plan ahead. Most sellers require you to show your ID upon pick up, so it's important that the name we have on file is the name of the person who will be picking up the tickets. If you need to provide us with a new name, please contact us right away.